Second Quarter 2012

q2 2012 chronicle

Farm Land Lease Leads to Employee Donation, MofW Employees Continually Meet Goals, Trooper on a Train Event Educates Public

First Quarter 2012

q1 2012 chronicle

Employees Meet Expectations for First Crude Oil Train, Major Infrastructure Investments Planned, Employees Contrubite to Continuous Improvement

Fourth Quarter 2011

q4 2011 chronicle

Long Safety Record Recognized, Smooth Work for a Smooth Crossing, Facilitator Encourages TSC Participation

Third Quarter 2011

q3 2011 chronicle

Employees Praised for Expansion Project, Continuous Improvement Essential, Superintendent Joins Team

Second Quarter 2011

q2 2011 chronicle

Huffman’s Contributions Remembered, Pullen Begins Training, Remodeling Eliminates Risk

First Quarter 2011

Q1 2011

Terminal Building Receives Facelift, Roundhouse Gets an Overhead Crane, A&S Employees Donate Teddy Bears to Children’s Hospital

Third Quarter 2010

Q3 2010

Employees Celebrates 100th Anniversary, Middleton a Fifth Generation Railroader, Faces of A&S